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Get the Most out of Advent

I remember waking up everyday and running downstairs to get that piece of candy from the advent calendar. Advent is so much more then chocolate (although that's a yummy part of it). It's a time of reflection and understanding of who Jesus is. The advent of something means that it is finally here. We as Christians use the month leading up to Christmas to celebrate the true meaning of Jesus. This year Advent starts on November 29th. During this time, it may be difficult to get out and take part in some of the traditional Advent programs. So we would like to offer you some ideas to connect with your families at home so you can make this season memorable and special. Advent Calendar 2020-click on me! Download the Advent Calendar and post your family partaking in some of the tasks on our MLC FB! We would love to hear how you are celebrating Advent this year. Twelve simple ideas that will help you slowdown and really take in the Advent season. 1. Get out all the Christmas books you can find and read them until the kids say stop! 2. Go for a winter hike. I recommend Hammel woods. It is so pretty when the snow falls. Don't forget to bundle up and buy hot chocolate at Mariano's afterwards! While you are hiking pray for the things that you see that you are thankful for. 3. Have a simple picnic by your Christmas tree and talk about your favorite memories of Christmas. 4. Take out your Advent wreath and light that candle. Read Scripture and take time to pray! 5. Make a "things I am praying for" poster and everyone gets to write something down. 6. Christmas Craft night. Create something special for some one else and give it to them. 7. Gather gently used or new coats, hats, gloves and drop them off at Messiah to give to the homeless shelters. 8. Go to your local store and get baby items for the Christmas Eve Service at Messiah for Baby Jesus. The proceeds will go to a local women's shelter. 9. Plan a family fun night. Gather everyone in the kitchen, and let them help you bake the birthday cake and decorate it. Then, decide together when you are going to have a party with your family to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Maybe it will be part of your Christmas Eve celebration, or maybe it will be the centerpiece dessert on Christmas Day. 10.Take the time to talk to your kids about the birth of Jesus, God’s only Son. Sing Happy Birthday, and celebrate Jesus! 11. Check out our Awana YT videos as a family and memorize those verses! 12. Escape Room at home for older kids- Thanksgiving Escape Room Deep thoughts from Pr. Kurt - 'I agree, the advent calendar and lighting candles on an advent wreath were a staple of our Christmas decoration traditions. I still have and treasure the devotional my mom read to us kids. It was a 24 day story book with a matching advent calendar. No candy, but it was always a hunt to find the symbol behind the door in the picture on the devotional book. This is when Jesus first became personal to me.' Christine Murray Children's Outreach Director

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