Upcoming Events at Messiah
Online giving is an easy way to give to MLC, and there are three ways to do it:
1) Go to this link: churchcenter.com/giving
2) Download the Church Center app on your phone or tablet.
3) Text your dollar amount (with a dollar sign in front of it) to 84321.
Men’s Bible Study meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month at 6:30, in the Fireside Room. Bring your Bible (paper or digital) and join us!
PRAYER TEAM (Thursdays at 10:15 am)
In the Fireside Room. Email regency118@comcast.net for more information.
“INSIGHT” ADULT BIBLE STUDY (Sundays at 9:30 am)
Join us for adult Bible study/Sunday school in Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings at 9:30.
FAITH & BODY CHALLENGE LIFE GROUP (Thursdays 9 to 10 am)
Faith & Body meets on Thursdays mornings. This group is dedicated to helping each other to improve our health & faith. We meet September through May in the FLC from 9 – 10 am for walking, stretching and faith building time. There is no cost, and you are welcome to bring a friend. Please register on the Messiah website under Faith & Body. Contact Sherri at 815-741-4488 or email bookkeeper@MLCjoliet.org for more information.
MOMCo (formerly Mothers of Preschoolers)
Calling all moms from pregnancy onward to join a supportive community of moms! Each meeting has a different topic related to parenting, and childcare is provided. We get to know each other more, watch a video from a MOMCo speaker, have a discussion, and end with a devotional. Meetings are typically every-other Friday at 9:30 am, September-May. Contact Amy at amy12miller@gmail.com with any questions.
OWLS (Older, Wise, Loving Seniors)
Calling all seniors! Our luncheons take place on the second Tuesday of every month (September through May) at noon. Please remember to call the office or sign up in the Narthex to bring an appetizer, salad or dessert to share.
The Memory Bears Group meets once a month to make teddy bears out of clothing from people who have passed away, to comfort the grieving. We would love to have you join us! We have jobs that do not require sewing. We meet the fourth Tuesday of every month at 9 am - 12 pm in Fellowship Hall.
The Messiah Quilters meets on the third Tuesday of every month 9 am – 12 pm in Fellowship Hall. We have a lot of quilts ready to complete and if you can tie a knot, you can help us out. We even have jobs you can do sitting down. Think about stopping in and see what we do. If you are unable to join us and would like to sew at home, we have kits available. Contact Kathy at scpbklane@aol.com for more information or any questions you may have.
Volunteers are needed to serve dinner to at Daybreak Homeless Shelter in Joliet. The commitment is from 5 - 7 pm on the second Monday of each month. A team of Messiah members meets at the shelter to set up and serve dinner. Sign up in the Narthex.
Messiah has developed a micro-food pantry that is housed in the closet across from the church office. This ministry is 100% donation driven and maintained by the Evangelism Board. You can support this ministry through prayer, and through monetary or food donations. Contact the church office for more info.
Messiah uses a Prayer Chain made up of people willing to pray for our members, community, and nation in times of crisis. Prayers are confidential and anonymous, as much as possible. You can make a difference through the gift of your prayers.
Contact Cindi Souza at regency118@comcast.net to become a partner.
Make sure to bring your children to Sunday school upstairs every Sunday.
MESSIAH KIDS WEDNESDAYS (Wednesdays at 6:30 pm)
Have your K-5th grader join us for a great time on Wednesdays for a fun night of worship, lessons, games, crafts, and connection with the Bible and friends! Registration $15 per child. Maximum of $45 per family. Questions? Contact Beth Hohisel bhohisel@hotmail.com or 815-735-7897. Our fall season resumes September 11.
STAY N PLAY (Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11:30)
Stay N Play is a FREE weekly playgroup (September through May) for children five and younger that meets in the Family Life Center on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11. This group is open to church members and to the community. Parents or caregivers must stay and keep an eye on their children.
Students high school & beyond are invited to be a part of our Wednesday evening student ministry program - Friends And Mentors = F.A.M. We meet Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8. Students will learn about ways to get connected to God, church, community, and friends as they explore life skills, service opportunities, and more. Reach out to Kate for more info at stumin@mlcjoliet.org. F.A.M. kicks off on September 11.
HEAD2HEART (Confirmation, Wednesdays from 6:15 to 8 pm)
(H2H) Hey middle school students, come join us for nights of instruction and fun as we teach Luther’s catechism and play games! H2H's kicks off September 11.