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Thanks to Messiah!

Galatians 6:2

Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Recently MLC had the opportunity to come alongside a refugee family from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The month of September, for many of us, presented a time to donate household goods to a family from the DRC. You donated things like towels, sheets and pillows. Along with many ethnic food items. Then I got a call from Exodus to see if MLC was ready to deliver their Welcome to America Care Pack.

We were given a young family of four who were about to arrive in this country after spending most if not all of their lives in a refugee camp.

They came from a place of insecurity and uncertainty. Many of the things we take for granted will be completely new to them. Such as security, clean water, food assistance and employment opportunities.

After everything was donated my wife and I inventoried everything so we could get what was left to complete the list of items needed. Altogether, MLC donated about $700 to help someone from the other side of the world have an easier transition to their new apartment and life in Chicago.

Excited to deliver, set-up and meet the incoming refugees my wife and I met the Exodus representative at the apartment in Chicago with all your donations filling every crevice of my car. With only two hours to get the apartment ready, before our refugee family landed at O’hare we started to unload everything and carry it to the ground floor apartment only to find that the lights were not turned on yet.

So we started unpacking and putting everything away by IPhone flashlights. About a half hour into setting up, the Exodus rep. gets a call to inform her that the refugee family was on its way and we had about 40 minutes before they arrived at the apartment. The apartment wasn’t going to be finished by the time they arrived and there wasn’t going to be any electricity until morning.

The refugee family arrived with an interpreter (they spoke Swahili) and we were able to welcome them and wish them luck in their new environment.

While this doesn’t sound like an ideal night it was fun. MLC came together to glorify God by helping to lighten the burdens of others.

On behalf of those you helped,


Evangelism Team

Director Mike Brown

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