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How do I . . .

Become Saved?

We are Saved by Grace through Faith. We preach that Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins. There’s nothing that we can do to earn our salvation or to deserve God’s presence in our lives. The gift of God’s love and mercy is a gift that anyone can receive through baptism, a repentant heart and a prayer of invitation asking Jesus to be his/her Lord and Savior. We are saved because God is a loving Father, not because we are perfect children. We are saved because Jesus was willing to take the consequences of our mistakes. We are saved when God’s Holy Spirit builds our faith that God is graceful and Jesus sacrifice was for you. We are Saved by Grace through Faith.  ​ Contact a pastor today. (815-741-4488)

Read the Bible?

Start with Matthew, Mark, Luke or John found in the back half of the Bible. These are the history of Jesus life. Continue with Acts and then go back to the beginning with Genesis. Do not be afraid to skip to the narrative. Look for the promises of God and believe they are true for you today. The bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek. Both are dead languages no longer spoken. Pick a modern translation for beginners such as NLT. For study use a word for word translation such as NIV. Or try listening to the Bible, there is nothing more powerful then the spoken word. Come to worship to experience it. As you read imagine that God/Jesus is speaking directly to you. Pray before reading asking that God’s Spirit would speak to you through these words. It is not uncommon for the same passage to impact you in different ways at different times. Join us for Bible Studies!


There are many ways to pray. If you are having trouble, find a quiet place and use the TRIP prayer. Do not be concerned if your mind wanders. In those times listen for God’s wisdom and direction concerning those things that occupy your mind. Here's How The TRIP Prayer: T – Thanks: Give thanks for 5-10 blessings you enjoy each day. Take is one step further; find a reason to give thanks for those people or situations that frustrate you. R – Repent: Tell God your regrets. Things you have done and others have done that you wish would have gone another way. Ask God to show you the other way. Commit to follow His way. (The ancient Greek word for repent literally translates, ‘change, turn the other way.’) I – Intercessions: Pray for others. Ask God to be with the people and situations that weigh heavily on your mind. Trust that when you have placed those concerns and joys in God’s hands he will be at work through you, the stranger you least expect, and in ways you will never know. P – Purpose: Give God the rest of your day for his purpose. Ask that you might have the daily bread (energy, motivation, compassion, self-discipline, etc...) you need to be your best in the tasks (parenting, work, study, service, fellowship, relaxation, etc...) the rest of the day will bring.


We encourage everyone to build a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the one way to God the Father. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. We build a relationship with Jesus like we build a relationship with anyone: we spend time in his house, we love the people that he loves, we let what is important to him become important to us, we talk to him about everything, we ask his forgiveness when we sin or make mistakes, and we read his love letter (the Bible) daily. ‘God does not call the qualified, he qualifies, the called.’

Become a Member?

We ask that you attend our worship services for a time and some of our activities. Talk to your neighbor in the pew and ask some questions. Prayerfully ask God if Messiah is the church for you. Then if you would like to join, we warmly support your decision. We have new members’ classes three times a year. We meet for four sessions each lasting about one and a half hours. You’ll need to attend as many of the sessions as possible. We often meet on Thursday evenings. If you are unable to attend the meetings you’ll have to schedule private times with a pastor. We ask that you request a transfer from any former congregation where you had membership. We’ll need to know your baptism date too. If you haven’t been baptized, you’ll need to be baptized after meeting with our pastors. If you have been baptized, you do not need to be rebaptized. In our classes you’ll learn what makes Messiah Lutheran traditional and open to new ideas. You’ll meet current members, discover the classes and opportunities offered here and have plenty of time to ask your questions. We’d love to have you join us and become active in our congregation. Call the church office at 815- 741-4488.


When those ‘sheep’ are going to say, ‘Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?’ Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’   – Matthew 10:37-40 MSG


Check out our opportunities so serve here at Messiah!

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