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Leadership &

Our hope and prayer is that every member and regular attender get involved in Kingdom work, using their time, talent and treasure. Below are some ways that you can get involved with the work that God is doing at Messiah by serving on one of our ministry boards. 

Executive Team

President - Brian Wielbik


Vice President - Doug Potts


Treasurer - Beth Hohisel


Secretary - Linda Hallberg

Public Relations Board

GOALS: Presents a Christian image to the public which will reflect favorably upon the work of Christ, and of the congregation as His instrument; the publicizing of the work of the congregation through various channels; and the general integration of the congregation's work into the life of the community.


WAYS TO SERVE: Design and oversee social media, print promotions and other publications.



Parish Fellowship

GOALS: Provides for the strengthening of the fellowship between congregation members spiritually and socially; the integration of new members into the life of the congregation; and the general building up of mutual cooperation, trust, and enjoyment among the members of the congregation. 


WAYS TO SERVE: Plan, prepare and serve meals for special occasions, church events, funeral dinners, etc.



Church Properties

GOALS: Oversees the proper maintenance and repair of church property; the representation of the congregation in all legal matters; and the general protection of the congregation against loss or damage of whatever nature. 

WAYS TO SERVE: Painting, carpentry, electrical repair/maintenance, plumbing repair/maintenance, landscaping maintenance and yard maintenance.




GOALS: Exists to initiate programs for the development of good stewardship attitudes in the members of the congregation with regard to time, talent, and treasures; to provide for the training and utilization of members of the congregation for the work of Christ's Kingdom; and to ensure the financial stability of the congregation and its work through a developed program of dedicated, proportionate, first fruits giving. 


WAYS TO SERVE: Overseeing expenditures for outreach ministries, preparing Thanksgiving food baskets, promoting Operation Christmas Child boxes.



Young People

GOALS: Works to involve the young people of the congregation in the work of Christ; provide for their spiritual growth and nurture; and to promote genuine Christian fellowship for the young people of the congregation, from grade school through adulthood. 


WAYS TO SERVE: Becoming a part of the lives of students in real and tangible ways; teaching and facilitating spiritual discussion; organize fellowship activities.



Christian Education

GOALS: Endeavors to plan and to administer the total educational program of congregation; to determine policies, to select personnel for the various educational programs, to provide the necessary means and facilities for these programs, and to direct and supervise the entire educational program of the congregation. 


WAYS TO SERVE: Teaching Sunday school or Messiah at 11, Messiah Kids Wednesdays, VBS. 




GOALS: Involved in the bringing of the Gospel to the unchurched, the enlistment of all God's people in the work of spreading the Gospel, the deepening of the faith and activity of the members of the congregation, and the proper soul accounting at all times. 


WAYS TO SERVE: Prayer ministry, Lil Loves, Outreach activities.



Lay Ministry

GOALS: Concerned with the spiritual welfare of the Pastor(s) and congregation members, individually and corporately; the deepening of the faith of the members of the congregation, proper soul accounting at all times, and the supervision of everything pertaining to congregational worship.


WAYS TO SERVE: Overseeing budget of pastors and staff, implementing programming to facilitate spiritual growth in congregation.



Safety and Security

GOALS: Oversees the safety of church members including health, fire, weather, building security, and intruder.  This board will develop safety protocols and consistently review and upgrade necessary equipment and responses for any emergencies.  This board will provide necessary training in safety issues.


WAYS TO SERVE: Safety team.



Parish Planning Council

GOALS: Serves as a forum where the activities of the Administrative boards may be discussed, evaluated, and coordinated, and where all such activities may be integrated into an overall congregational program. 


WAYS TO SERVE: Becoming one of the board leaders, serve at president, vice president, treasurer or secretary.



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