Worship Services
If you aren't able to make it on Sunday we welcome you to check our YouTube and Facebook pages to find a recorded Livestream.
If you are interested in seeing or hearing the sermon only, check out our Sermons page!
Here is a short introduction to the worship services that take place at Messiah Lutheran on Sunday mornings, see which service suits you and come join us either online or in person!
8 am Traditional
This is our most traditional service where you can expect worship to include hymns of praise, The Lord's Supper is served every Sunday as well as a Children's Sermon, and occasional performances by our Sanctuary Choir.
Child care is available in the Nursery.
9:30 am Traditional
(streamed online)
This is a similar traditional service, however, this is our Sunday School hour. Our Sanctuary Choir performs most Sundays and The Lord's Super is served on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. Join us in one of our Sunday School groups:
Insight (Adults) in Fellowship Hall
Messiah Kids (PreK-5th) upstairs
6th-8th grade in the Youth Room
11 am Contemporary
This is our contemporary family praise and worship service - a time for families to worship together after Sunday School. Led by our worship team through contemporary worship, The Lord's Super is served on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month and J-Church meets after the Children's Sermon the 3rd Sunday of each month.
Child care is available in the Nursery.
1 pm
Cristo Rey
This is a bilingual service that begins at 1pm in our Sanctuary. Cristo Rey is led by Keith Forni with Cristo Rey Lutheran Mission. Join in worship and then later in fellowship after the service!
Este es un servicio bilingüe que comienza a la 1 pm en nuestro santuario. Cristo Rey es dirigido por Keith Forni de la Misión Luterana Cristo Rey. Únanse en adoración y luego en comunión después del servicio.