Messiah Lutheran Church
"The church across from the airport..."
At our core, we proclaim Christ crucified and resurrected. We believe the Bible to be the inerrant word of God, the revelation of God to His creation. We worship Jesus, and Jesus alone.

Our Story
Originally a Scandinavian Lutheran congregation, we are now a church of many ethnic and cultural backgrounds. We are evangelical, Bible based, Christ centered and family oriented.
We are members of the LCMC (Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ). Our congregation has served the Joliet area for over one hundred years with traditional beliefs and worship styles but we love to worship and serve God in a variety of formats and opportunities to encourage everyone to explore and express their faith wholeheartedly.
So why get involved at Messiah, or any church for that matter?
At Messiah we see God using our members and their families in three powerful ways to BRING, BUILD and BUMP us into His eternal story. Because of Jesus, you are God’s promise to a lost and distracted world.
God is Bringing people into a relationship with Him and His people through you. God is Building you up to be like Christ.
God is Bumping the world through you.
Meet The Staff

Senior Pastor
Kurt Hoover
Pastor Kurt Hoover joined the Messiah Staff in 2010. His love for God’s word is evident in well delivered, practical and compelling sermons. You will often see Pr. Kurt’s love for God’s people expressed in his caring conversation in the church hallway, our member’s homes, or wherever he finds you at work or play in the community. Pr. Kurt grew up in Iowa and has served churches in California, Minnesota, and his home state before landing in this corner of Illinois for the long haul. He attended Luther Seminary, after receiving his degree from Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. Kurt and Molly met at EWALU Bible Camp and were married two summers later. Married 20 years in 2020, they are the proud parents of Myka and Eli. Myka is a singer, musician and drama star in the Plainfield schools and local 815. Eli is a sports enthusiast through Plainfield Rec., a budding streamer, and friend to all. Molly is an elementary teacher by training and is currently the Director for swim programs at Inwood Athletic Club. She serves on the national USMS boards and was the 2016 Masters Swim Coach of the Year. Kurt enjoys strategizing and analyzing, whether it is fantasy baseball, the stock market, or board games. He is also pretty good at keeping a smile on his face by not taking things too seriously and encouraging others to do the same. “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

Office Coordinator
Vicki Dallmann
Vicki joined the Messiah team in February 2023, bringing nearly 20 years of church administrative experience. A Chicagoland native, she lives in Plainfield with her husband, Eric, and their two “foster fail” dogs. (The term “foster fail” is a good thing! It means they ended up adopting, giving them forever homes!) Eric and Vicki have four adult children and became empty nesters in 2021. They enjoy spending their free time together canoeing, kayaking, going to the archery range, and doing pretty much anything outdoors.

Sherri Unyi
Sherri grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and graduated from the University of Minnesota with a business administration degree and a minor in Music. Sherri is very thankful for the opportunity to work as the bookkeeper for Messiah which keeps her busy during the week. Sherri lives in Plainfield with her husband Bill of 24 years. They joined Messiah Lutheran in 2002 and have attended faithfully ever since. Their children Bill (Junior at Augustana College) and Sydney (10th grade at PSHS) have also participated in several of the youth programs here at Messiah. Most of their family time is spent following the kid’s and their sports activities. As a family they like to relax watch at least one movie a week and love hiking at nearby parks walking their dogs Oreo and Loki.

Rose Ann Sochan
Rose has been sharing her gift of music with Messiah Lutheran Church since 1976, although her talent began much earlier in life. She grew up in a house where everyone played an instrument and music was always at heart. Rose started taking organ lessons at nine years old and continued through high school. Her parents owned Sochan Music Center where she passed her knowledge and passion on by teaching lessons so others could play. She graduated from Lewis University with a Bachelors Degree of Fine Arts in Music on piano and organ. Rose is the proud mother of two daughters and three grandchildren. When she isn't tickling the ivories, she loves being with her family and traveling. Rose feels Martin Luther summed it up best when he said "Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world." With much encouragement, Rose now has three CD's she professionally recorded. Rose's Garden of Faith, Rose Petals Of Faith, and A Christmas Rose. Her accomplishment of these three cd's can be heard worldwide as they are played everywhere.

Sanctuary Choir Director
Herb Alexander
Herb grew up in Freeport, IL, where he was active in youth group activities at Faith United Methodist Church and was involved in high school theater, vocal choirs and the band. He earned his bachelor's degree in computer science from Northern Illinois University in DeKalb. He continued singing in the NIU Concert Choir and playing saxophone in the NIU marching band, which is where he met Laurel, his future wife. After graduating in1984, he moved to Joliet and then to Shorewood, where he and Laurel raised their four children. In 2021 they added three son-in-laws to their family and are now proud grandparents of two granddaughters. In his free time, Herb enjoys traveling, camping and performing the national anthem at various civic and sporting events. Herb joined Messiah's Sanctuary Choir in 1989 and eventually took over the director role in January of 2001. He is honored to lead this choral music ministry and to be a part of the Sunday morning worship experience here at Messiah. Find out more about our Sanctuary Choir on our Life Groups page!

Worship Coordinator
Justin Brown
Justin has been a part of Messiah Lutheran Church for 23 years (he also happens to be 23 years old), having grown up within its community since he was born. His family's involvement dates back to the church's previous location which created a deep-rooted connection to the congregation. From a young age, Justin developed an interest in music, which led him to join the worship team at the age of 16. Beginning with the ukulele, he has since learned numerous instruments, determined to be able to play any instrument on the stage. Justin's passion lies in guiding others in worship and using his musical talents to glorify God. His journey at Messiah has seen him go from an intern to an interim leader, and now to the role of Worship Coordinator. He is eagerly looking forward to witnessing the incredible ways God will work through him at Messiah.

Technology Coordinator
Nikolai Stier
Nikolai has been involved at Messiah since he was about six years old. From simply participating in events, then joining leadership teams, and now being on staff! He went to school for audio engineering and graduated with an Associate in Audio Sciences from Flashpoint Chicago. Now, he oversees the technology for Messiah and provides tech support anywhere (and anytime) needed. In his free-time, Nikolai likes to spend time with his beautiful new family and wife, play tennis, and play games whether it be board, card, or video. He is so grateful to have this position to support every aspect of the ministry here at Messiah and is passionate about the work God can do through tech.

Student Ministry Director
(6th-12th grades)
Kersten Stier
Kersten has been at Messiah since birth and is from a third generation Messiah family! Messiah truly is her second home. While in the 5th grade, Kersten started getting involved in everything she could. By middle school and throughout high school she began assisting Messiah’s leadership as part of the Youth Leadership Team. After high school Kersten attended Moody Bible Institute studying Youth Ministry. She is now working at Messiah as Youth Director, which she finds very fulfilling and considers to be her dream job!

Children's Ministry Director
(K-5th Grades)
Leslie McFarland
Leslie McFarland has a heart for God and has worked in church ministry with her parents, the late Bishop Odell McFarland, Jr. and the late Pastor Magnolia McFarland in many areas of ministry. She is the owner and Executive Director for (Grace Hope) GH Christian Academy. Leslie is from Woodridge, Illinois and has studied at Newburgh College. She has earned her BA degree majoring in Christian Education. She is currently studying for her master’s degree in organizational leadership. She is also ordained as a licensed Evangelist. Her affiliations have been with the National Association of Christian Ministers, National Association of Professional Women, Madison’s Who’s Who, Black Female Preacher’s Network, the Christian Forum, and an International Christian Television Show, The Daily Gospel Network. Leslie believes in honoring Jesus Christ with a daily lifestyle that will allow her to provide skills to educate and empower children and youth through Bible-based and Christ-centered tools. Her desire is to educate the next generation of Christian leaders through biblical character building focusing on their physical, mental, and eternal well-being.

Building Liaison
Kate Richmond
Kate is our Building Liaison, handling building use inquiries, scheduling and all the details surrounding events at Messiah.