Student Ministries
Here you will find our programming for 6th-12th grade students. The mission of our student ministries is to develop spiritual maturity in students, leading students to lead, and bringing glory to God in all we do.
Consent Form
Head 2 Heart
What is it?
Head-2-Heart is our Wednesday evening Confirmation class (September-May) designed to help junior high students commit and grow in their faith by exploring Luther’s Small Catechism and other Biblical truths that are important to their literacy of God’s Word. As Pastor Kurt often says, no one is an expert but each of us will be confident with prayer, the Bible, and talking about God. Student believers will begin to develop a confident relationship with God by learning how to love God with all their mind, heart, and strength. ​
Program runs - 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Doors open - 6 pm
Games and Activities - 6:30 - 6:45 pm
Lesson - 6:50 - 7:10 pm
Small Group - 7:15 - 8:00 pm
Goals and Habits
Here are five goals and habits we expect you to form as part of our Head-2-Heart Confirmation program.
You will see the importance and need for Word and Sacrament. You can go to any church at any stage of your life and connect with God.
1. Sermon Notes
2. Sunday Morning Worship
3. Online worship, Sing Praise, Friends and Families churches
You will learn to be supported by a family of faith. You can go to any small group at any church at any stage of your life for loving support.
1. 9:30 Sunday Morning Bible School
2. Youth Events & Fundraisers
3. Wednesday Night Meals
You will be a vessel through which God works to care for others. A church leader, community volunteer and servant to the least and lost.
1. Service Hours
2. Fundraisers
3. Community Partners
You will be prepared to talk about God no matter the interruption. You will invite friends to church, prayer & questions about God.
1. Youth Events
2. 9:30 am Sunday Morning Bible School
3. Sunday Morning Worship
You will have a foundation in the Bible and Catechism strong enough to open those tools with others to move faith from Head 2 Heart.
1. Study Bibles & Catechism
2. 9:30 am Sunday Morning Bible Study & Wednesday Nights
3.Conversations in the car & home with faith mentors, parents and siblings
4. Pastor Interview in the Spring of the 8th grade year.
(friends and mentors)
What is it?
Friends and Mentors (F.A.M) is a ministry for High School students & recent graduates! We recognize that this is an an incredible time of growth and transition for you and we want you to know you don't have to do it alone.
F.A.M. is a chance to connect with peers and those who have navigated the path ahead of you to learn life skills and other lessons learned along the way.
Each week we will play a game, learn practical skills you can use throughout life, pray together, sing praise, and partake in fellowship!
Wednesdays 6:30-8pm
Where is it?
Our Sunday school programming is at 9:30 am, the 6-8th graders are in the Youth Room and the 9-12th graders are in Room 101 in the hallway between the Fellowship Hall and the Family Life Center (FLC).
Learn more about what happens at Sunday School on our Sunday Schools page!
Sunday School
(6-8th and 9-12th)
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