Welcome to Messiah Lutheran Church
Please, make yourself at home.
We are members of the LCMC (Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ). Our congregation has served the Joliet area for over one hundred years with traditional beliefs and worship styles but we love to worship and serve God in a variety of formats and opportunities to encourage everyone to explore and express their faith wholeheartedly. Half of our members grew up Lutheran. A fourth were originally Catholic while the other fourth came from Bible churches. We love to learn from each other.
Originally a Scandinavian Lutheran congregation, we are now a church of many ethnic and cultural backgrounds. We are evangelical, Bible based, Christ centered and family oriented.
WHAT TO EXPECT: We offer three Sunday morning worship times:
Our 8:00 am Service is more formal with the Lord’s Supper being served. Our choirs sing at this service and we have a children’s sermon too.
At 9:30 on the second, third and fourth Sundays our service is what we call “Messiah traditional” with a blend of hymns, choruses and praise songs. Our liturgy is more formal and from the Lutheran hymnbook on the first Sunday and Holy Communion is provided on the first and third Sundays of the month. During this time you may join us for Adult Education classes in the library or in the fellowship hall. Sunday School classes for children are offered during this service. Please introduce your children at our welcome desk on the second level. (Note: Some Sunday School Classes do not meet in the summer.)
At 11:00 a.m. our Family Praise and Worship service honors the Lord with rich harmonies of a praise team made up of adults and teenagers, acoustic guitars, a variety of instruments and upbeat worshipful songs. Holy Communion is served on the first and third Sundays of the month.
We’re blessed to have full time staff members in Pastor Kurt Hoover and Pastor David Stier. They offer classes, ministries and fellowship activities to encourage your faith in the Lord.
Our supporting staff is Vicki our Office Coordinator, Sherri our Bookkeeper, Leslie our Children's Ministry Director, Justin our Worship Coordinator, and Kate our Student Ministry Administrator. There is a pastor available 24-7 and most often you will find one in the building Monday-Friday, 9:00-3:00, unless they are at the hospital or busy ministering to someone in need.
You are wanted and needed at Messiah Lutheran. Please do introduce yourself to one of the pastors (Kurt or Dave) after the service. Please give us a chance to know you by name.
If you have questions or a need, call our church office at 815-741-4488.