​Click here to register your children online for Sunday School.
Parents don't forget to sign the kids in at the computer kiosk
in the Narthex or in the upper level Educational Wing.
Want to be a part of this team and come along side those who "train you up"?
We are looking for teens-adults to help guide the younger kids or help facilitate a pre-written lesson!
Please see Leslie or Kimber or sign up in the Narthex! Or just email Kimber at
MESSIAH KIDS SUNDAY 11 AM: It's a time for kids to burn off energy while mom and dad get to focus on the message. Kids are dismissed after the children's message to the FLC for an age-appropriate time of worship, fellowship, fun, games and snacks. Parents don't forget to sign the kids in at the computer kiosk in the Narthex or in the upper level Education Wing.
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR JUNIOR HIGH: Pre-confirmation classes for students in 6th-8th grade are taught in the classroom in the FLC.
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR YOUTH: The Youth Center is a welcoming retreat for teens in high school and features classrooms, a kitchen, gathering space, game rooms and more. Our youth Sunday school is for students 9th-12th grade.
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ADULTS: During the children's Sunday School time, please join us for Worship Service at 9:30 or for an Insight Adult Education class in the Fellowship Hall.